
Terms & Conditions

Please also read our Policies



Distance Bookings

If you have made a booking made via our website, by telephone or by email, by law you can cancel with a full refund, without giving a reason, within 14 days (the Cancellation Period) of our confirmation. We must receive your cancellation in writing by post or email within the Cancellation Period. We will not start providing services to you during the Cancellation Period unless you ask us to do so in writing. We will refund fees paid within 14 days of the date we receive confirmation from you that you wish to cancel. However, if you have confirmed in writing that you wish us to start providing services within the Cancellation Period, we can charge a reasonable sum for the services based on the proportion of the course undertaken and deduct this from any refund payable


Cancellation of programmes

Winchester School of English reserves the right to cancel arrangements if the booking conditions are not met. Winchester School of English reserves the right to cancel programmes that are not filled.


Exam entry

Our policy regarding whether or not a student should take an exam is:
We advise students about the suitability of the exam and whether we think a student will pass it or not.  However, if a student really wants to take the exam, even though we have advised that the level is too high, we believe that the student should have the right to choose for himself.
The results reflect that. Click here for Exam Results.


Attendance and Conduct

Students are required to be punctual and attend classes.

Attendance is monitored and persistent unexplained absences or lateness will result in a warning. If the absences and lateness continue, Winchester School of English reserves the right to dismiss the student without any refund of tuition fees. For Visa national students, this could have implications for their legal status in the UK

Students are expected to behave in a mature, responsible manner and the school reserves the right to dismiss anyone whose behaviour is considered to be unacceptable. In such a case, or cases of serious misconduct, fees are not refundable

Examples of Serious Misconduct and Abusive Behaviour:

  • Verbal or physical abuse to a student, member of staff or homestay provider. Verbal abuse can include bullying, harassment, threatened violentce, damage to property, abuse on the grounds of physical, racial, national differences or differences in sexual orientation. Physical abuse includes actual violence, sexual harassment or indecent assault, This applies on or off the School premises
  • Theft of any description Breaking UK law (e.g shoplifting, drug abuse)
  • Intentional damage or misuse of school resources/proprty or damage to the school building
  • Misuse of IT facilities by downloading or disseminating offensive or pornographic material
  • Repeated refusal to follow school rules
  • Behaviour off-site which could bring the school into disrepute

Short holidays in term time

If you have told us at the time of booking that you wish to take a short holiday during your course the host family charges while you are away will be £5 per night retainer. If you tell us at least 6 weeks before the short holiday then the host family charges while you are away will be £5 per night and tuition will be 50%. If you tell us less than 6 weeks before your holiday then the host family and tuition charges will be 100%.

It may be that your host family will take a short holiday whilst you are staying with them. We ask the host family to inform you of this and to check if you are happy to stay in the house. They will leave food for you. If you are not OK with this, we will change you to another homestay.

Accommodation during the Christmas holiday

When the school is closed over Christmas, no accommodation is available through the school. If you want to stay with your host family during this time or want to leave your luggage at their house while you are travelling then you must arrange that yourself. Do not expect to stay there or leave your bags there for free!


ATC Language Schools will only be liable to provide groups and /or individuals with the programme agreed in writing with its agent/client


Any extras to the programme as set out in the tariff must be requested in writing in advance of arrival


Before travelling to Ireland or England all persons participating in ATC language school programmes must arrange their own insurance against all expenses that might arise due to accident, illness or loss of luggage, personal effects or money. ATC accepts no responsibility in the event of such occurrences. Providers of activities such as horse-riding cycling etc. insist that minors have an insurance waiver signed by their parent, guardian or group leader before the commencement of such activities. ATC Language Schools is precluded by the terms of its own insurance policy from signing such insurance waivers.

Students travelling form EU countries should bring the relevant social security form with them. Please note that this will not cover elective procedures or dental visits. We can organise medical insurance for non-EU students for long-term courses only.

Health problems

ATC Language schools must be advised of health problems or specific dietary requirements of participants at the time of booking


Programme participants are liable for any damage caused by them and payment for such damage must be made immediately

Airport transfers

An airport transfer can only be arranged when flight information is received in writing by ATC Schools a minimum of 10 days prior to arrival. ATC Language Schools, cannot take responsibility for students' arrival transfers unless this procedure is followed.


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English UK
University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Authorised Centre
Quality English