
TOEFL Preparation


Click here for fees

Exam preparation

To do well in this exam, students need:

1. a good level of English

2. to be familiar with the format and techniques of the exam.

To prepare for this exam, our students follow an Intensive General English course to help them reach a high level of English. Then they can use the practice material that we have (books, cassettes, CD Roms) to get practice in the techniques needed to take the exam.

One Year's FREE
English Language on-line studies!!!

click here for details


2019 - School opens Monday 7th January


The School will NOT be open for classes on the following dates:
19th April | 22nd April | 6th May | 27th May | 26th August
Christmas and New Year Holiday - Saturday 21st December to Sunday 5th January

English UK
University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations Authorised Centre
Quality English